Morrissey's Controversies

The enigmatic and legendary singer-songwriter Morrissey has long been revered for his profound lyrics and captivating voice. Yet, it is his incendiary statements that have stolen the limelight, sparking intense debates across various arenas. In this comprehensive dissection, we venture into the tempestuous waters of Morrissey's most polarizing beliefs, shedding light on the context and repercussions of his opinions on race, immigration, and politics.

Morrissey's stance on immigration has ignited many a fiery dispute. He has voiced apprehension about the erosion of British identity due to the steady flow of immigrants, a sentiment that critics deem xenophobic and tinged with racism. The artist further stoked the flames by referring to the Chinese as a "sub-species" in relation to animal cruelty, amplifying allegations of racial prejudice.

When it comes to politics, Morrissey's opinions are equally incendiary. He has lauded the far-right party For Britain and expressed admiration for Nigel Farage, the ex-leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP). These endorsements have drawn the ire of those who perceive these parties as peddlers of nationalism and exclusion.

Even in the realm of music, Morrissey's words court discord. He has branded reggae as the "most racist music in the entire world" and disparaged renowned black artists like Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, Janet Jackson, and Whitney Houston. Such remarks have led some to doubt his motivations and sensitivity towards racial matters.

Beyond these contentious opinions, Morrissey has also drawn parallels and analogies that have ruffled feathers. He has equated halal slaughter with supporting ISIS and likened the term "humane slaughter" to "humane rape." Moreover, he has taken a jab at London Mayor Sadiq Khan's pronunciation of certain words, which some view as biased or even racist.

It is crucial to examine the ramifications of Morrissey's statements on his admirers and the general public. While some laud his frankness and willingness to voice unpopular opinions, others find themselves estranged and disenchanted by his divisive words. The storm surrounding his remarks has undeniably cast a shadow over his image as an artist and public persona.

Nevertheless, Morrissey remains unyielding in voicing his opinions, often brushing off critiques as trivial distractions from his more significant insights. In his perspective, being branded "racist" is simply an attempt to stifle conversation rather than engage in meaningful dialogue.

  • On Hitler: “The modern Loony Left seem to forget that Hitler was Left wing! But of course, we are all called racist now, and the word is actually meaningless.”

  • On Racism: “Everyone ultimately prefers their own race … does this make everyone racist? The people who reduce every conversation down to a matter of race could be said to be the most traditionally “racist” because everything in life is NOT exclusively a question of race, so why make it so? Diversity can’t possibly be a strength if everyone has ideas that will never correspond.”

  • Criticizing Sadiq Khan: “The Mayor of London tells us about 'Neighborhood policin' – what is ‘policin’? He tells us London is an 'amazin' city. What is ‘amazin’? This is the Mayor of London! And he cannot talk properly! I saw an interview where he was discussing mental health, and he repeatedly said 'men’el' … he could not say the words ‘mental health’.”

  • Discussing acid attacks: “London is second only to Bangladesh for acid attacks. All of the attacks are non-white, and so they cannot be truthfully addressed by the British government or the Met Police or the BBC because of political correctness. What this means is that the perpetrator is considered to be as much of a victim as the actual victim.”

  • About immigration: “Although I don’t have anything against people from other countries, the higher the influx into England the more the British identity disappears.”

  • On Chinese people: “You can’t help but feel that the Chinese people are a sub-species.”

  • On reggae music: “The most racist music in the entire world… an absolute total glorification of black supremacy.”

  • Concerning black music: “I don’t have very cast iron opinions on black music other than black modern music which I detest. I detest Stevie Wonder. I think Diana Ross is awful. I hate all those records in the Top 40 – Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston. I think they’re vile in the extreme.”