'Big Mouth Strikes Again'

The Smiths' anthem "Bigmouth Strikes Again," a vibrant gem from their 1986 opus "The Queen Is Dead," delves into the treacherous terrain of Morrissey's own impetuous and incendiary essence. Among the lyrical tapestry, one potent verse stands out: "And now I know how Joan of Arc felt, now I know how Joan of Arc felt, as the flames rose to her Roman nose and her Walkman started to melt." In this audacious and contentious metaphor, Morrissey likens the fallout of his verbal transgressions to the harrowing destiny of Joan of Arc, presaging his propensity for sparking discord through his words in the years to come.

The juxtaposition of Morrissey's gaffes with a monumental historical episode paints a vivid picture of the burden that his utterances bear, for both himself and his devoted admirers. The song evolves into a somber warning of the potential wreckage birthed when reckless remarks spiral into a maelstrom. Alas, this foreboding proves prophetic as Morrissey's career forges ahead and his callous, racially insensitive comments begin to estrange swathes of his fanbase.

One intriguing interpretation of the lyrics suggests that Morrissey may see himself as a martyr, much like Joan of Arc. In this context, the comparison to the historic figure could imply that Morrissey feels misunderstood or persecuted for expressing his beliefs and opinions. He might view himself as someone who endures suffering or criticism for speaking his mind, regardless of the consequences. This perspective adds another layer of complexity to the song and provides insight into Morrissey's mindset when it comes to his controversial statements.

The ensuing uproar among Morrissey's devotees attests to the might of words and the consequences they can unleash, even upon a figure as influential as Morrissey himself. "Bigmouth Strikes Again" emerges as a poignant memento that the wounds inflicted by verbal missteps can be as deep and enduring as the anguish of Joan of Arc. As we bear witness to the disintegration of Morrissey's renown, the song lingers as a haunting omen of the toll he would ultimately pay for his thoughtless words.

In light of the martyr interpretation, "Bigmouth Strikes Again" serves as a reflection of the struggle Morrissey experiences between his unapologetic self-expression and the consequences it brings. The song captures the essence of an artist who feels unfairly judged for his opinions, even if they are controversial or divisive. As we continue to dissect and discuss the impact of Morrissey's words, the song stands as a thought-provoking exploration of the complicated relationship between artistic expression and public perception.